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About Us

Superintendent's Message

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The Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center (ESC) is proud to provide exemplary services to our five member districts. The districts include Gallia County Local Schools, Gallipolis City Schools, Jackson City Schools, Wellston City Schools, and Vinton County Local Schools. In addition, we provide contracted services to school districts in adjacent counties, Boards of Developmental Disabilities, faith-based schools, governmental entities, and community agencies.  Interim superintendent, principal, and treasurer services are available to local districts needing temporary administrators.

Professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators include school improvement services, resident educator program,  new principal mentoring, library collection analysis and development, School Age Child Care (SACC) licensure training, summer social studies/language arts study tours, regional literacy collaborative, teacher academy content training, gifted education initiative, OTES, CPI, and PBIS training. School districts benefit from grant writing services, prevention coordinators, school psychologists, speech and occupational therapists, attendance officers, consultants, and outside evaluation services.

One of the largest services provided by the ESC is the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) located at 24 sites in a three-county area serving 3,000 students per year. The three newest centers are located at Vinton Elementary, Burlington Elementary, and South Point Middle School. Four other afterschool programs that are not 21st CCLC funded operate at Chesapeake Elementary, Northview Elementary, Southview Elementary and Jackson High School. All 21st CCLC afterschool programs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education and are 100% compliant with state and federal guidelines.

Another substantial service provided is the Summer Advantage program administered by the ESC for the Gallia County Job & Family Services Department and approved by the Gallia County Commissioners. This unique program developed by the Gallia-Vinton ESC is now in its fifth year of operation and serves 500 – 750  students and their families annually. Designed for the Gallia County Local, Gallipolis City, and Gallia County Board of DD  School Districts, the program has a continuum of resources and services that focuses on intervention, collaboration with community agencies, healthy practices, school support, and self-improvement.

Recently a $349,950 Responsible Parenting and Economic Mobility Interventions for Teens and Young Adults grant was announced by the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) for collaboration between the Gallia-Vinton ESC and the Gallia County Job & Family Services. Program activities will help teens and young adults gain the knowledge, skills, and access to resources likely to lead to success in pursuit of life goals, economic mobility, and responsible parenting. Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF).

Your comments and suggestions are welcome as we strive to build services that match the needs of our clients.  The ESC motto is, “Service Is Our Business.” I can be reached at (740) 245-0593 or by e-mail at [email protected].

© 2024. Gallia-Vinton ESC. All Rights Reserved.