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District 14 Science

District Science Day

The Ohio Academy of Science District Science DayThe Ohio Academy of Science District 14 consists of Gallia, Lawrence, Pike, and Scioto counties. Science Day and the preparation for it is a unique and fulfilling experience for students. Through their projects, students have the opportunity to explore fields of science and to learn and practice critical thinking, inquiry, technological design and investigative skills. Students will learn research methods, including how to obtain data, keep a research log or notebook, graph data, and develop conclusions. Science fair projects foster imagination and elevate creative thought. Students will develop and enhance organizational and communication skills, and they will learn to work independently as well as in a group. They will meet other students interested in science, and students can earn recognition for academic excellence.

District 14 Science Day 2024

District 14 Science Day is an annual collaborative event co-hosted by URG and GVESC. This year, 38 students showcased 37 projects. With monetary prizes, including "Emerging Scientist" and "Ohio Soybean Bioscience" awards, students competed for 31 awards. Winners could also secure B-WISER Science Camp and Rio Grande Science Day scholarships. Eighteen students advanced to the State Science Day, with virtual judging from April 9-15, 2024. A celebration for State Science Day Superiors will be held on May 11, 2024, at the Ohio Union, The Ohio State University.

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